Conference Proceedings

Saturday 22.1.2005


09:00 11:00 Presentations:
Gerald Lonauer (AER, network of gmo free regional governments)
Benedikt Haerlin (GENET and "Save our Seeds")
Andreas Krug (German Federal Agency for Nature Protection)

What is different about GM technologies?
Florianne Koechlin (Blauen Institute, GENET) - Presentation EU GMO free regions and zones - an overview
Agnés Ciccarone (AER) - Presentation
Geert Ritsema (Friends of the Earth) - Presentation The global situation and movements
Benedikt Haerlin (Foundation on Future Farming) - Presentation

11:30 13:30 Parallel workshops:
A 1 -Basics of GM technology - Prof. Marcello Buiatti, Florianne Koechlin
A 2 -Risk assessment, precaution and approval processes - Daniel Ammann, Werner Müller, Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, Janne Kuil
A 3 -EU legislation on GMOs - Eric Gall, Dan Leskien, Benedikt Haerlin
A 4 -GMOs and biodiversity - Dr. Beatrix Tappeser, Dr. Brian Johnson
A 5 -Testing and controls of GMOs - Lutz Grohmann, Jochen Koester

15:00 17:00 Presentation of case studies
Thomas Fertl, Consultant
Sepp Eisl, Minister of Agriculture of Salzburg
Pascale Loget (vize president of the regional council of Brittany)
Eric Meunier (Inf'OGM)
Johannes Niedeggen (gmo free Uckermark)
Heike Moldenhauer (FOE, "fair neighbourhood" project of GM free regions)
Yannis Stratakis (governor of Florina, Union of Greek prefectures),
Myrto Pispini (Greenpeace Greece)
Balázs Kormos (Chamber of Agriculture Hajdú-Bihar),
Erika Andrási (GMO free municipality of Karcag)
Stefano Masini (Confederazione nationale Coldiretti),
Luca Colombo (Consiglio dei Diritti Genetici)
Ryoko Shimizu (Seikatsu Club Consumers' Co-operative)
Jadwiga Lopata (Int. Coalition to protect the Polish Countryside)
Maria Ramos (COAG, Spanish farmers union)
Maya Graf (member of Swiss Parliament)
Daniel Amman (Swiss working group on Genetechnology)
Öykü Kaygusuz (The „NO to GMOs“ Platform of Turkey)
Dr. Turgut Altuganiel (The „NO to GMOs“ Platform of Turkey)
Kenneth Richter (Friends of the Earth UK)
Matthew Burgess (Councillor of Mid Devon District Council)
17:30 19:30 Panel discussion (public)
Matthias Berninger, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture; Germany
Gracia Mammucini, Region of Tuscany; Italy
Hans-Theo Jachmann, CEO Syngenta; Germany
Vera Mora, Hungarian Foundation for Environmental Partnership
Moderator: Christiane Grefe ("Die Zeit", German weekly)

Sunday 23.1.2005:

08:30 10:30 Parallel workshops:
B 1 -GMO patents and seeds legislation - François Meienberg, Michael Miersch
B 2 -Science and technology assessment - case studies - Florianne Koechlin, Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, Dr. Ulrike Middelhof
B 3 -Trade rules and forces and commodities - Jochen Koester, Lindsay Keenan
B 4 -GMOs and protected areas - Josef Hoppichler, Christel Schmelzeisen, Barbara Niedeggen
B 5 -Coexistence and seeds - Benedikt Haerlin, Christian Schlatter
B 6 -GMO free regions and co-existence legislation in the EU - Geert Ritsema, Agnès Ciccarone
14:30 16:00 Parallel Workshops:
C 1 - Community organisation and real alternatives to GMOs - Cornelia Wiethaler
C 2 - regional and local marketing of non-GMO quality products - Luca Colombo
C 3 - Consumers keep food processors and retailers GMO free - Lindsay Keenan
C 4 - Inter-regional and EU networking - Eric Meunier, Adrian Bebb, Hartmut Meyer
C 5 - Influencing national legislation on co-existence and GMOs - Dan Leskien, Thomas Fertl, Dan Belusa
16:30 18:00 Presentation of joint demands and priorities:
European GMO free manifesto
General Conclusions of the Conference (Demands and Strategies)
