Benny Haerlin, Save Our Seeds, Moderator
Sarah Wiener, MEP
Leonore Gewessler, Environment Minister Austria
Anka Dobslaw, State Sec., Environment Ministry Lower Saxony
Georg Scheitz, Vice Commissioner Starnberg county, Bavaria
Diverse contributions from NGOs and regions of Europe
A new narrative about GMOs – science and precautionRicarda A Steinbrecher, ENSSER
Margret Engelhard, Federal Agency for Nature Protection
Christophe Clergeau, MEP
Magda Stoczkiewicz, Greenpeace, European Unit
Pat Thomas, Beyond GM / A Bigger Conversation
Georg Buchholz, Lawyer
Transparency: labelling and traceabilityEN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /
Michelle Habets, Rathenau Institute
Fabrizio Fabri, European Consumer Co-operatives
Bernard Lignon, IFOAM Organics Europe, Synabio
Tilly Metz, MEP
Impact on food and agricultural systems (incl. patents)Corinne Lepage, former envi Minister and MEP France
Erika Olsson, organic farmer from Sweden
Isabel Sommer, Swiss Alliance on Genetic Engineering
Martin Häusling, MEP
Benny Haerlin Conclusions