GMO news related to the European Union

05.05.2006 |

Ireland: Massive opposition to GM potato trials

BASF, the German agro-chemical multinational and the Irish government are facing massive public opposition to field trials with genetically engineered potatoes.</p><p><a href="">GMfree Ireland potato web-site with links to media, official and activity sites</a><p><p><a href="">Reuters: Ireland Gives Go-Ahead for GMO Potato Trials</a>

05.05.2006 |

Coexistence to be discussed by EU ministers, results unlikely

Following a major coexistence conference held last month in Vienna, the EU ministers are expected to instruct the Commission to come up with specific growing guidelines for GMOs and thresholds for seed contamination. Swift action however is not expected.</p><p><a href="">Reuters: EU Executive Faces Pressure to Deal With GMO Laws</a>

03.05.2006 |

Italian Court rules: Framework Law on Coexistence unconstitutional

While the Italian Parliament passed a coexistence law in January 2005, it provided only the framework in which the Regions would develop their implementing regulations. Now the Italian Constitutional Court has ruled that Italy's Framework Law on Coexistence is unconstitutional.</p><p><a href="">Truth about Trade</a>

02.05.2006 |

Veles - the first GMO free municipality in Macedonia

On April 26th the municipal council of the town of Veles, Macedonia, declared its territory GMO free, including the prohibition of growing and production of GMOs, detailed provisions for controls and an mandate to demand similar action from the government of Macedonia.</p><p><a href="">The GMO free declaration of Veles</a></p><p><a href="">More about the City of Veles</a>

20.04.2006 |

Polish Senate Approves National Ban on GMO Seeds

Poland's upper house of parliament banned trade and plantings of genetically modified seeds on Thursday, increasing the risk of a conflict with Brussels for adopting legislation that breaks EU rules.</p><p><a href="">Reuters</a>

19.04.2006 |

Europe's Food Safety Agency says banned GMOs pose no risk

Europe's leading food safety agency gave the green light on Wednesday for five genetically modified crops and foods that are banned in certain EU countries, saying they posed no risk to human or animal health.</p><p><a href=""></a>

18.04.2006 |

EC approved GM crops despite safety fears

New documents released to Friends of the Earth reveal that the European Commission has been approving genetically modified foods and crops despite having serious doubts over their health and environmental impacts. Both Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have today called for a suspension in the use and sale of all GM foods and crops until the safety issues have been addressed.</p><p><a href="">Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace: Joint Press Release</a></p><p><a href="">BBC News</a></p><p><a href="">The Daily Telegraph</a>

22.12.2005 |

Belarus: GM labelling decree enters into force

Labelling of genetically modified food is now law in Belarus. The Belarus government issued a decree requiring labelling of GMOs in spring this year.</p><p><a href="">Consumers International</a>

15.12.2005 |

Has the EU already lost the WTO dispute on GMOs?

NGO Campaigners at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hongkong delivered a petition "WTO: Hands Off Our Food" signed by more than 135,000 citizens from 100 countries and more than 740 organisations representing 60 million people against the US driven trade dispute over precautionary EU GMO legislation. WTO Deputy Director General Alejandro Jara at the handover refused to comment on earlier statements of former WTO chief Supachai that the WTO dispute panel had already decided against the EU. The official verdict is expected in January 2006. International activists Vandana Shiva and Jose Bove announced a global campaign against Monsanto: "This is not a case of US versus the EU, but clearly Monsanto versus the civil society".</p><p><a href="">Friends of the Earth: Bite back</a></p><p><a href="">FOE briefing on the US vs. EU WTO GMO dispute</a></p><p><a href="">Kerala News: Vandana Shiva takes fight against Monsanto to Hong Kong</a>

10.12.2005 |

French Court acquits GMO protesters

A court in Orleans has acquitted for the first time 49 "faucheurs volontaires" who had destroyed GM maize fields. The judges said the protesters "proved that they committed voluntary acts of damage on the goods of a third party in response to the needs of the situation ... a necessity driven by the uncontrolled release of modified genes that constitutes a real and present danger, and may be a source of undesired contamination and pollution".</p><p><a href="">EuroNews : French court acquits anti-GMO protesters</a></p><p><a href="">Collectif des Faucheurs Volontaires d'OGM (F)</a></p><p><a href="">Nouvelle Observateur: Le tribunal correctionnel d'Orléans relaxe 49 faucheurs d'OGM (F)</a>
