
26.02.2015 |

GMO related trade: EU-US (TTIP), EU-Brasil and WTO

AMENDMENT 1 - 156 Draft opinion, Bart Staes, (PE544.393v01-00) on recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) (2014/2228(INI))


B n. whereas the EU and US legislators have taken a very different approach as regards the regulation of genetically

modified organisms (GMOs): while in the EU, GMOs need to pass a risk analysis process prior to authorisation, regulators in the US allow them on the market without a distinct regulatory regime;


C f. Whereas European consumers are informed of the presence of GMOs in foodstuff thanks to mandatory labelling while in the US, the FDA recognises GMOs as "substantially equivalent" to

their non-GMO counterparts.


C g. Whereas several industry sectors representatives have called for the removal trough the regulatory convergence mechanisms of the EU zero tolerance policy for unauthorised GMOs in food and feed.

AMENDMENTS 157 - 314 Draft opinion Bart Staes (PE544.393v01-00) on recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) (2014/2228(INI))


4. Agrees with Commissioner Malmström that there should not be a trade-off between the economic goals and the people's health, safety and the environment; agrees further with the

Commissioner that where Europe and the United States have very different rules, there will be no agreement, such as GMOs, the use of hormone in bovine sector, REACH and Cloning;


5. Calls on the Commission to exclude any terms in all the horizontal chapters and all the sectoral annexes of the TTIP that would affect the EU's integrated approach to food safety, including EU legislation on GMOs,


– the EU's integrated approach to food safety, including GMOs,


– European legislation on food safety and relating to GMOs,


– affect the EU’s integrated approach to food safety, including EU legislation on animal welfare and GMOs,


– affect the EU’s integrated approach to food safety, including EU legislation on GMOs and novel foods,


5 d. Calls the commission to make sure that TTIP do not lower the GMOs standards at EU and member states level: in this regards the GMO labelling system should be considered a non-negotiable instrument to ensure consumer's right to choose. Furthermore it urges EU negotiators to preserve the right of the

European legislators to introduce further regulations on OGMs products including those derived from animals (meat and dairy) fed with GMOs..

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