
European Conference, Berlin 22 -23 January 2005
Berlin Manifesto for GMO free Regions and Biodiversity in Europe Our Land, our Future, our Europe
GMO free Regions and areas: Petition to the European Commission
Conference Introduction
Overview Presentations
What is different about GM technologies?
EU GMO free regions and zones - an overview by AER
EU GMO free regions and zones - an overview by FoEE
The global situation and movements
PART 1 (1 MB)

Parallel Workshop Series A

A1 - Basics of GM technology
- What is a gene?
- Modern concepts in biology regarding the essence of plants
- Functional dynamics of living systems and genetic engineering

A1 - Outcome / Recommendation
A2 - Risk assessment, precaution and approval processes
- Environmental risk assessment of transgenic plants
- Risk assessment, precaution and approval process: Consequences for animals
- Current shortcomings and uncertainties in the risk sssessment of GMOs
-The precautionary principle: Application, shortcommings and need for implementation

A2 - Outcome / Recommendations
PART 2 (1,4 MB)

A3 - EU legislation on GMOs
- EU legislation on GMOs: Next steps
- Overview on the GMO legislation in Europe
- Deliberate releases and placing on the market of GMOs

A3 - Outcome / Recommendations
A4 - GMOs and biodiversity

- Novel crops - What are the ecological risks?
- "Ecological damage" in the field of green genetic engineering

A4 - Outcome / Recommendations
A5 - Testing and controls of GMOs
- Traceability and labeling of GMOs: Made easy by certification
- Testing for GMOs: Analytical methods used for nonGMO control

A5 - Outcome / Recommendations
PART 3 (1,7 MB)

Country Cases

1 - Austria
- Initiatives on GMO free zones
- GMO free zones in Carinthia
2 - France
- An agreement between Brittany & Parana
3 - Germany
- GMO free Regions in Germany
- Gentechnikfreie Region Uckermark-Barnim
4 - Greece
- GMO free zones - The case of Greece
- Union of Greek Prefectures (UPG) resolution on GMO free zones
- Manifesto of Hellenic convention of social and public organisations, networks and movements against GMOs
5 - Hungary
- GMO free Municipality of Karcag
- Preserving GMO free agriculture production in Hungary
6 - Italy
- GMO free regions: The case of Italy
7 - Japan
- The opposition movement to GMO in Japan
8 - Poland
- GMO free zones in Poland
9 - Spain
- The context of GMOs in Spain - Social and political initiatives
10 - Switzerland
- GMO free referendum "Food produced by GMO free agriculture"
11 - Turkey
- The "No to GMOs" platform of Turkey
12 - UK
- GM free Britain - Now or never
- Mid Devon District Council, England - Resolution on a GM free zone
Panel Discussion
- Documentation of the panel discussion

PART 4 (4,6 MB)

Parallel Workshop Series B

B1 - GMO patents and seed legislation
- GMOs and patents
- Thesis paper: legal cases on reproduction (seed multiplication)
- GMO patents and seed legislation
B1 - Outcome / Recommendation
B2 - Risk assessment, precaution and approval processes

- Case study - Bt maize in Mexico
- Case study: Transgenic drought and salt-tolerant plants
B2 - Outcome / Recommendation
B3 - Trade rules and forces and commodities

- Who are the ABC of the global Ag commodity trade?
- The Soy Parallelogram of Forces or An Equation with X Knowns
B3 - Outcome / Recommendation
PART 5 (1 MB)

B4 - GMOs and protected areas
- GMO free areas: Legal, political and scientific issues in relation to nature protection
- Problem - German model - GMOs and nature conservation
B4 - Outcome / Recommendation
B5 - Coexistence and seeds

- GMO in seeds - actual state of affairs
- GMO and coexistence in Switzerland
B5 - Outcome / Recommendation
B6 - GMO free regions and co-existence legislation in the EU
- GM free regions and coexistence legislation in the EU - AER
- GMO free zones and EU legislation - FoEE
B6 - Outcome / Recommendation
PART 6 (2,2 MB)

Parallel Workshop Series C

C1 - Community organisation and alternatives
- GMO free Regions (GMFR) under current German law - much more is possible
- Protection of the autochthonous genetic resources in Tuscany
C1 - Outcome / Recommendation
C2 - Regional and local marketing of non-GMO quality products

- Regional and local marketing of non-GMO quality products
C2 - Outcome / Recommendation
C3 - Consumers keep food processors and retailers GMO free
- No market for GM labelled food in Europe
C3 - Outcome / Recommendation
C4 - Inter-regional and EU networking
- GMO Free Europe - Networking and information
C4 - Outcome / Recommendation
C5 - Influencing national legislation on co-existence and GMOs

- The Danish coexistence law
C5 - Outcome / Recommendation
Presentation of Joint Demands and Priorities
PART 7 (1,5 MB)


List of participants
GMO free regions and areas: Petition to the European Commission
GMO free regions and local areas in EU countries

PART 8 (90 KB)


The conference was organised by GENET, the European NGO Network on Genetic Engineering, the Assembly of European Regions and the Foundation on Future Farming, with support from the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.

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