Nature protection areas have a special status of protection both within the in the European Union and in national and regional legislation.The cultivation of GMOs on their areas and their vincinity may be restricted und controlled by the authorities in charge of their protection. However, the relation between EU wide risk assessment and regional measures of conservation are controversial and still need to be established. In the EU of 15 roughly 7,5% of the terrestrial area are protected sites and another 12,5 % are classified as sites of Community importance.
Josef Hoppichler, Federal Institute for Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas - Austria
Laurent Luettge, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Protection - Germany
Josef Hoppichler: GMO-free areas: Legal, political and scientific issues in relation to nature protection
Laurent Luettge: GMOs and Protected Areas
Josef Hoppichler: Concepts of GMO-free environmentally sensitive areas
Rechtliche Aspekte beim Schutz ökologisch sensibler Gebiete [only in German]
Gentechnikfreie Regionen –Sinn, Optionenund Perspektiven [only in German]
Communication from the Commission on the precautionary principle
European Commission, 2000
Notification according to Article 95(5) of the EC Treaty Request for authorisation to introduce national provisions incompatible with a Community Harmonisation Measure
The European Commission, Official Journal of the European Union, May 03
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on a question from the Commission related to the Austrian notification of national legislation governing GMOs under Article 95(5) of the Treaty1
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms, The EFSA Journal, July 03
Maize & Biodiversity. the Effects of Tansgenic Maize in Mexico
North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation