GMO news related to Japan

03.10.2012 |

’Even Japan ill-prepared to check crop damage by GMOs’

Protocols aplenty are signed and ratified but how well-equipped are countries in tackling problems relating to the unintentional release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) resulting in damage to native crops and biological diversity? [...] Toshiki Mashimo and Michiye Koketu of the Consumers Union of Japan, through a presentation on contamination of local crops by genetically modified canola (rapeseed), laid bare the chinks in the armour of Japanase law governing such release. GM canola growing wildly has been found at many locations in Japan, mainly near harbours and on neighbouring roads, leading to food oil factories posing a threat to local crops. Japan's importing firms that get GM canola from North Amercia, food oil companies that make canola oil and transporters are all directly responsible for such contamination.
