Inf'OGM (French and English)
OGM et collectivités locales (French)
Greenpeace France (French)
Les Amis de la Terre (French)
Confédération Paysanne (French)
OGM Danger (French and English)
ATTAC France (French)
Combat Monsanto (French)
Collectif OGM 35 (French)
Rés'OGM (french)
Faucheurs Volontaires (French)
Cyberactors against GMOs (French)
OGM31 (French)
On 15 march 2014, an order was taken in order to ban commercialization, use and cultivation of maize MON810 (official text in french).
A law was adopted on 2nd june 2014 (law n°2014-567) in order to ban cultivation of GM maize (official text in french).
(Information provided by Inf'OGM in March 2015)
There are currently: 21 Regions declared GMO free:
Aquitaine*, Auvergne* Basse-Normandie*, Bourgogne*, Bretagne*, Centre*, Champagne-Ardenne, Corse*, Franche-Comté*, Haute Normandie*, Ile de France*, Languedoc-Roussillon, Lorraine*, Limousin*, Midi-Pyrennées*, Nord-pas-de-Calais*, Pays-de-la-Loire*, Picardie, Poitou-Charentes*, Provence Alpes-Cote D'Azur, Rhône-Alpes*.
Regions marked with * also signed the Florence Charter
9 Départements: Gers, Hauts-de-Seine, Hautes Alpes, Dordogne, Creuse, Pyrénées Orientale, Vaucluse, Vendée and Tarn, one Natural Park : Parc naturel régional du Queyras and one community of cities: Communauté de Communes du Val d’Ay also took measures to become GMO free.
More than 116 cities and towns have declared their municipality GMO-free.
Read the outcomes of the Convention on GMOs & Biodiversity, Resistances & Alternatives, April 2009 (French)
Local Authorities: How to take action? (French), La Maison de la consommation et de l'environnement
My Town and GMOs (French), Rés'OGM
GMO and municipalities, legal context for a local action (French), Anne Furet from Inf'OGM, October 2008
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Florence Benetrix (Arvalis) et. al., Presentation on a French initiative: Conventional and genetically modified corn co-existence management from field to silo
Lucern, April 2009
Arnaud Apotheker, Greenpeace
Presentation: Les OGM en France (pdf, 1,3 MB, French)
Regulatory Developments in Biotechnology in France (p.72)
Regulation on GMO (French)
Local authorities refusing GMOs in Rhône-Alpes (French), Rés'OGM
Local authorities refusing GMOs in Ille et Vilaine (French), La Maison de la consommation et de l'environnement
Local authorities refusing GMOs in Morbihan (French), La Maison de la consommation et de l'environnement
Cahiers du conseil général de l’agriculture : Organismes génétiquement modifiés, Conseil Général de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Espaces Ruraux, 2007 (French)
The French law on GMOs:“balanced”or biased?, Inf’OGM, July 2008
Nouveau rapport : Les OGM augmentent l’usage des pesticides et ne réduisent pas la pauvreté, Les Amis de la Terre, 2008
Moratorium and Ge-free zones in France (French)
Les Notes de Sinople on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Government of France-Action on Biotech - One-Year Overview 2008, US Department of Agriculture
France Biotechnology, Annual Report 2007, US Department of Agriculture
A Joint declaration of French NGOs on genetically modified organisms to immediately stop contamination in France and on the upcoming French GMO law. [french]:
Organismes Génétiquement Modifiés - Déclaration commune des organisations, 10.Novembre 2005
Zones sans OGM - an overview in French from InfOGM