
Thursday 7th September 2023

3:00 - 6:00 PM European Parliament, room SPAAK 7C50


EN / DE / FR / IT / PLES /

Benny Haerlin, Save Our Seeds, Moderator

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /  

Sarah Wiener, MEP

EN DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Leonore Gewessler, Environment Minister Austria 

EN DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Anka Dobslaw, State Sec., Environment Ministry Lower Saxony 

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Georg Scheitz, Vice Commissioner Starnberg  county, Bavaria

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Diverse contributions from NGOs and regions of Europe

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

A new narrative about GMOs – science and precaution

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Ricarda A Steinbrecher, ENSSER 

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES


Margret Engelhard, Federal Agency for Nature Protection

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Christophe Clergeau, MEP

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Magda Stoczkiewicz, Greenpeace, European Unit

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Pat Thomas, Beyond GM / A Bigger Conversation

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Gutachten auf Deutsch


Legal study violation of precautionary principle

Georg Buchholz, Lawyer


EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Transparency: labelling and traceability

EN / DE / FR  / IT / PL / ES


link to full report "Editing under provision"

Michelle Habets, Rathenau Institute

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES

Fabrizio Fabri, European Consumer Co-operatives

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Bernard Lignon, IFOAM Organics Europe, Synabio

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Tilly Metz, MEP

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Impact on food and agricultural systems (incl. patents)

EN / DE FR / IT / PL / ES /

Corinne Lepage, former envi Minister and MEP France

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Erika Olsson, organic farmer from Sweden

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Isabel Sommer, Swiss Alliance on Genetic Engineering

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Martin Häusling, MEP

EN / DE / FR / IT / PL / ES /

Benny Haerlin Conclusions

We want to thank all speakers and participants for their contribution to the success of the conference.
